Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 2 of Spanish Classes and panting to keep up!!!

We have completed 2 days of classes.  Yes, I am struggling to keep up, but Ian is muy bien con su espanol-castellano.  He is cracking jokes and fully exaggerating his answers while I answer in pigeon-castellano.  Our lesson is totally in spanish, and she is quite rapid unless I ask her to repeat when she does repeat, then speeds up again. But, the week is not up yet--good thing this week´s Bible lesson is on Mind. Ajer, yesterday, we had tons of homework, so could not blog.  Today we have tons of homework, but wanted to blog anyway.  John is wanting more photos though we do try to skype-email daily. 
Here is a photo from the giratoria (revolving cafeteria).
One thing we tried yesterday is a local laundry.  They did all our laundry 3-4 loads worth for $10 wash dry and fold, so we did another load today just to be completely fresh.  Our hostel is very clean and they even re-wash the dishes people use to be sure it is very clean.  Another thing they do in Argentina is to put their garbage out in baskets near the street.  These can be intricate or  simple or look like barrels on their side in the air.
Today it was 82 with a light breeze and no clouds until tarde, afternoon.  I bought framboises, raspberries, because they were amazing looking.  When John was here the berries all looked like they were dusted with powder, so what normally is a huge business has been hard hit by the volcanic ash still blowing and drifting to Bariloche.  It has not rained except at night in the last week and a half, so everything is blue skies, sunny, and clean-clear.  I am trying to upload photos of our room, but having difficulty.  Will try tomorrow.  Between the computer being tempermental and the keyboards not being English, you should see the difficulty we go through. Back to my homework...hasta manana!

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